Data Device Corporation (DDC) introduces a new, low-cost BLDC motor controller for speed, torque and position control. The MC-5000 series BLDC motor controller provides a turnkey, plug-and-play solution that is available in configurations to support motors that utilize Hall sensor or sensorless commutation for torque and speed control, or encoder feedback for position control or commutation. The device can be programmed, via an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI), enabling it to deliver optimal motor performance with a wide variety of brushless DC motors and loads. Additionally, ease of programmability reduces time-to-market costs and in-house development efforts by enabling key system parameters to be tuned to optimize performance during development, and then, if needed, reprogrammed for use with additional applications and motors. Beyond these cost and time saving benefits, the MC-5000’s compact, highly-efficient single-module design provides size, weight, power and cost savings, while ensuring precision motor control, making it a suitable solution for single axis, point-of-load industrial applications, including: pumps, fans, valve actuators, compressors, autonomous guided vehicles, industrial robotics and underwater ROV thrusters and fin controls.