Designers of pneumatic systems will have the opportunity to learn how to use more accurate flow rating data to design more efficient pneumatic systems from a leading expert at the next National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) Educational webinar, to be held on September 18, 2012 (Tuesday) - 2:00 p.m. Eastern / 1:00 p.m. Central.
Presenter: John Berninger, Consultant, Parker Hannifin Corp.
The flow capacity of a pneumatic component is a key performance characteristic, and changes to ISO standards for determining flow capacity provide for greater accuracy in measuring this characteristic. This allows machine designers to more easily choose the right component for the system. This webinar will describe the new test methods in easy-to-understand terms and describe the advantages of using parameters C and b over CV¬, the parameter most commonly used North America. This is the fifth in a series of six webinars scheduled in 2012 to learn how to use standards to design and build better fluid power systems. NFPA will present a series of webinars that will focus on key issues facing the fluid power industry today: --increasing energy efficiency --improving reliability --reducing environmental impact --ensuring system safety. The webinars will be presented by leading experts in the standards that can help you apply fluid power more effectively and efficiently.