Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation, manufacturer of the original DualVee guide wheel, launched its new website last week in celebration of the company's 61st anniversary. Complete with the latest in web design and functionality, the new look embodies a simplistic, more modern approach that's both informative and easy to use. "I am really excited about the recent upgrade, and hope that our new online presence brings to our users the latest in web design and functionality," said Pamela Kan, president of Bishop-Wisecarver. "I have been a strong believer in the power of the internet from the beginning -- we were one of the first companies in our industry to launch a website."
Along with the new design comes more detailed product information organized in tabbed sections, richer photography, embedded videos, social media, digital catalogs for web view before download, site search and improved part search. Customers can now search by exact part numbers or dropdown menu's of product categories with descriptions. In weeks to follow, the company will apply this new design to their Spanish and Chinese websites in an effort to create one online experience for all users. Other additions will include enhanced customer participation and interactive product support.