Power Transmission Engineering Magazine

Lin Engineering Introduces New Drivers

August 9, 2007
Lin Engineering introduced a RoHS compliant version of its R701 and R710 drivers.  

These bipolar step motor drivers operate from 24 to 80 VDC and supply phase currents ranging from 1 to 7 amps.  The driver also features ten times microstepping, selectable current reduction of 33%, a step frequency of 200 kHz and optically isolated step, direction, and disable/enable inputs. 

For users requiring less vibration and smooth performance, the R701 and R710 have onboard trimpots that can be adjusted to alter the current waveform coming out of the motor and going into the step motor coils. According to the company's press release, this adjustment will decrease the amount of noise and vibration coming out of the motor enabling for smooth motion.